How to insert an application manifest

Using unique XP Visual Style Manifest Wizard, you can now incorporate Windows XP Visual Style into your application. The wizard inserts an application manifest into the resource section of the executable, allowing your legacy application to take advantage of the slick new look for common controls featured in Windows XP.

The application manifest directs WindowsXP to use ComCtl32.dll version 6 if it is available. Version 6 introduces new controls and new options for other controls, but more importantly provies support for changing the appearance of controls in a window. See also: Application Manifest.

1. Click the XP Visual Style Manifest Wizard button to bring up the wizard.
2. Read the important information and click Next.
. Fill out the application name and description fields. The wizard generates a visual style manifest for your application using these fields. Follow the instructions and fill in the blanks accordingly.
4. Click Finish to apply your newly entered data.
5. Check the Resource Tree to verify that the newly created manifest resource is present.
6. Click the "Save File As..." button on toolbar to save the altered file to disk. You can also use "Save File As..." from the File menu or the [CTRL+S] combination to save your changes.